Now that I have relocated to Connecticut, I am beginning to understand the true love affair everyone has with Autumn. The technicolor trees seem almost unreal, while the skies remain true cerulean blue, the wind picks up and scatters oranges and reds on green lawns. The air changes and becomes crisp, like the apples we pick. Our neighbors have begun to put out wreaths made of autumn leaves. Though I loved my Summer, I am thoroughly excited about the coming Autumn. Already she does not disappoint. I am reminded why I sculpted the Four Seasons to begin with; each one is special and one is not better than another. It feels good to welcome changes and nature’s real gift is that nothing lasts forever.

Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake with Buttermilk Icing
I would like to share a recipe that celebrates the season and was the first time my two year old son tasted pumpkin (and like it!).
Click here to view this delicious and easy to make dessert.
Thank you for your beautiful ” works ” You are a ” Force ” for the world and so talented . Best thoughts. Harris-on